Getting Started

The Universal Transfer Operator allows data transfers between any supported source and target Datasets. It offers a consistent agnostic interface, simplifying the users’ experience, so they do not need to use specific providers or operators for transfers.

This ensures a consistent set of Data Providers that can read from and write to Datasets. The Universal Transfer Operator can use the respective Data Providers to transfer between as a source and a destination. It also takes advantage of any existing fast and direct high-speed endpoints, such as Snowflake’s built-in COPY INTO command to load S3 files efficiently into Snowflake.

Universal transfer operator also supports the transfers using third-party platforms like Fivetran.


There are three modes to transfer data using of the universal_transfer_operator.

  1. Non-native transfer

  2. Improving bottlenecks by using native transfer

  3. Transfer using third-party tool

More details on how transfer works can be found at How Universal Transfer Operator Works.